Entrepreneur Development

Name of the Faculty :   

Discipline : MBA

Semester : III Sem

Subject : ENT. DEVELOPMENT (MBA/201)

Lesson Plan Duration : (From July 2018 to Nov. 2018)

Work Load (Lecture / Practical) per week (In hours) : Lecture-04, Practicals-00

Week Theory
Lecture Day Topic

(Including Assignment Test)

1 1st Concept of Entrepreneur
2nd Characteristics and qualities of entrepreneur
3rd Pre-requisites of entrepreneur
4th Characteristics, qualities and pre-requisites of entrepreneurship
2 1st Characteristics, qualities and pre-requisites of  intrapreneur
2nd Entrepreneur vs. Manager
3rd Significance of Entrepreneurial Economic Development
4th Economic, Social and Psychological need for entrepreneurship
3 1st Assignment
2nd Test
3rd Women Entrepreneurship,
4th Environmental Factors affecting success of a new business,
4 1st Opportunity identification and selection,
2nd Formulation of business plan,
3rd Contents and significance of business plan
4th Assignment
5 1st Test
2nd Feasibility Study -Preparation of Feasibility Reports:
3rd Economic, Technical Feasibility of Project,
4th Financial and Managerial Feasibility of Project,
6 1st Methods to start and expand one's own business
2nd Procedures to start and expand one's own business
3rd Assignment
4th Test
7 1st Govt. Support to new enterprise
2nd Role of Government in entrepreneurship development.
3rd Role of Promotional agencies in entrepreneurship development.
4th Entrepreneurship Development Programmes
8 1st Role of various institutions in developing entrepreneurship in India (A brief description only).
2nd Assignment
3rd Test