
How can you change someone’s day to a good day

How can you change someone’s day to a good day

“I was Depressed  and you motivated me, I was hungry and  you gave me food , I was unwell and you took me to the hospital.” Thanks for everything you did for me.

Earth is  a planet where Billion people live. And everyone  is busy in running to win the race of their life. But in that race people sometimes forget that they also have family and friends that need their time and love. Sometime’s this isolation traps them in depression and distance’s them from their loved ones. They also  intentionally or unintentionally hurt others. But if you want to show them that you also care than you can follow the things given below.

  • Thank You has a lot Power. So, always say “Thank you” to others whenever you can.
  • Just a simple hug can solve all your problems. So, give your loved one’s a hug when ever its possible as it removes negativity and grudges from heart.
  • A smile can make someone’s day. So, whenever you talk to someone always keep a smile on your face.
  • When you feel that you have something extra like clothes, shoes & food etc. than make a donation.
  • Always try to keep a friendly environment at your work place.
  • A sincere compliment can bring a big change is others day. If you feel someone has done a great job than your complement can motivate them to do better.
  • If you think that you are capable to help others than no job can be incredible than this. And one should not expect any favor in return.
  • Encourage others as it can mean a lot for someone who is in a negative situation.


Manisha Mudgal

CSE Department

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