Lesson Plan
Name of Faculty : Sh. Yogesh Kumar Sharma
Discipline : B.TECH (ME)
Semester : 5TH
Subject  & Subject Code : DYNAMICS OF MACHINES LAB & PCC-ME-311
Lesson Plan Duration : 15 Weeks (from July, 2019 to November, 2019)
Work Load (Practical ) per week (in hours) : Practical-2
Practical Day Topic
1st  To carry out static balancing on static balancing machine
2nd To carry out dynamic balancing on dynamic balancing machine
3rd To determine the moment of inertia of connecting rod by tri-flair suspension pendulum
4th To determine the moment of inertia of connecting rod by compound pendulum method.
5th To Prepare performance characteristic Curves, and to find stability & sensitivity on
Proell, Porter Governors and Hartnell Governor
6th To Determine gyroscopic couple on Motorized Gyroscope
7th To determine the natural frequency of undamped torsional vibration of a single rotor
shaft system.
8th To determine the frequency of damped force vibration of a spring mass system
9th To fabricate working Models using Gyroscopic, Balancing and Vibration concepts