Object Oriented Programming


Name of the Faculty : MANISHA MUDGAL
Discipline : B.TECH
semester : V Sem
subject : Object Oriented Programming, OOP’s LAB
Paper Code : PCC-CS-503,PCC-CS-505
Lesson plan duration : From July 2019 to DEC 2019
work load lecture per week(in hours) : 3 lectures
Theory Practical
Week Lecture Day Topic (including assignment/test) Practical Day Topic
1st 1 Decomposition and abstraction, abstraction mechanisms-parameterization 1 Write a program to print sum of two numbers
2 specification, kindof abstractions-procedural
3 data , type hierarchies, iteration, adt implementation
2nd 4 concrete state space , concrete invariant, abstraction functions 2 Write a program to reverse a number
5 implementing operations , illustrated by the text example
6 Revision
3rd 7 Revision 3 Write a program  of recursive calling of function in a class.
8 encapsulation, object identity, polymorphism
9 inheritance in OO design
4th 10 implementating OO language features- classes , objects and variables 4 Write a program of creating object using new keyword.
11 type checking , procedures- commands as methods
12 as objects and variables, type checking
5th 13 exceptions, polymorphic procedures 5 Write a program using static  keyword
14 templates, memory management
15 Revision
6th 16 introduction and classification creational pattern 6 Write programs on inhertance i.) single ii.) multiple iii.) multilevel
17 abstract factory pattern, factory method, singleton
18 structural pattern – bridge, flyweight,
7th 19 behavioural pattern- the iterator pattern 7 Write a program to implement function overloading
20 observer pattern, model view controller pattern
21 Revision
8th 22 simple generics and subtyping,   wildcards, generic methods 8 Write a program to implement function overriding
23 set interface, list interface, queue interface, deque interface
24 map interface, object ordering, sortedset interface
9th 25 sortedmap interface 9 Write a program of constructor and destructor
26 swing components , laying out components in a container
27   panels,look and feel, event listerner, concurrency in swing
10th 28 Revision Write a program of exceptional handling
29 Requirement specification and analysis
30   data model design,implementation, testing
11th 31 Revision
32 Revision