Neural Network


Name of the faculty : Pratima Sharma
Discipline : CSE
Semester : VIIth sem
Subject : Neural Network
Lesson plan duration : From AUG. 2018 to NOV. 2018
Work load lecture per week (in hours) : 4 Lectures
Week Theory Practical
Lecture Day Topic(including assignement/ test) Practical Day Topic
1 1 Section A:Overview of biological neurons 1 Introduction to java
2 Structure of biological neurons relevant to ANNs Introduction to Matlab
3 Models of ANNs
4 Feedforward & feedback network
2 5 Revision till the covered topic 2 WAP to perform Airthematic Operations
6 Learning rules; Hebbian learning rule
7 Perception learning rule
8 Delta learning rule
3 9 Widrow-Hoff learning rule 3  WAP of Branching statements
10 Correction learning rule
11 Winner –lake all elarning rule
12 Revision of section A
4 13 Section B :Single layer Perception Classifier 4  WAP using Loops:For loop
14 Classification model  WAP using Loops: while loop, do-while loop
15 Features & Decision regions
16 Training &classification using discrete perceptron
5 17 Single layer continuous perceptron networks for 5 Program to display a vector
18 linearlyseperable classifications
19 Multi-layer Feed forward Networks
20 Linearly non-seperable pattern classification
6 21 Delta learning rule for multi-perceptron layer 6 Program to display a Matrix
22 Generalized delta learning rule
23 Error back-propagation training
24 Learning factors
7 25 Revision 7 Program to Addition of a Matrix.
26 Section C:Single layer feed back Networks
27 Basic Concepts
28 Hopfield networks
8 29 Hopfield networks 8 Program to transpose of a Matrix.
30 Training & Examples
31 Training & Examples
32 Associative memories
9 33 Linear Association 9 Program on strings
34 Basic Concepts of recurrent Auto associative memory
35 Revision
36 Retrieval algorithm
10 37 storage algorithm 10 Program of plotting functions
38 By directional associative memory
39 Association encoding & decoding
40 Stability
11 41 Revision 11 Program of Arrays
42 Section D:Self organizing networks
43 UN supervised learning of clusters
44 Winner-take-all learning
12 45 recall mode 12 Program of Arrays for finding largest number
46 Initialisation of weights
47 seperability limitations
48 Revision
13 49 Revision 13 Program on application of Matlab
50 Revision