Advanced Institute of Education publishes Advanced International Research Journal of Teacher Education (AIE Journal ) which is a double-blind, refereed Bi-annual, Bi-Lingual Journal with ISSN2320-4559. Five issues have already been published. The Research papers and Articles published in our journal disseminate the recent developments and trends in the field of teacher education and serve as a rich depository of knowledge.
The objective of the journal is to address the various issues in the field of education and its related fields in a manner that it brings out the innovative ideas. The original research papers, survey articles and review articles from all branches of Education are invited for the publication.
We call upon all the educators both in public and private domains to contribute to the journal. The sixth issue of the Journal welcomes papers, both in theoretical and applied fields, of original and expository type that address issues of inter-disciplinary nature and cross-curricular dimensions.
Articles may be sent on following email-id:
AIE Journal
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