1st |
1 |
introduction to subject and hardware organization of computer |
1 |
introduction to C Language |
2 |
hardware organisation continued |
3 |
Generation of Computer |
2nd |
4 |
Generation of Microprocessor |
2 |
Write a Program to add 2 no. using constant and variable |
5 |
Input Device: keyboard, Mouse etc |
6 |
Output Device: Monitor, speaker |
3rd |
7 |
Memories: Internal and External |
8 |
Conversion of Decimal, Binary and Octal |
3 |
WAP to Calculate Simple Interest |
9 |
Hexadecimal and Octal |
4th |
10 |
Revision of Previous Lecture |
11 |
Operating System: types and Functions |
12 |
Machine Language, Assembly, High level langauge |
4 |
WAP to Check No. is even or Odd |
5th |
13 |
Assembler, Linker, Loader, Compiler |
14 |
Revision of Unit 1 and Unit2 |
15 |
6th |
16 |
OSI Model: Layers and its Architecture |
5 |
WAP to Check No. is Palindrome or not, WAP to find reverse of a number, WAP to check no. is Prime or not |
17 |
Introduction of C Language |
18 |
revision of Previous Lecture |
7th |
19 |
Revision |
6 |
WAP to Calculate factorial of a No. using recursion. |
20 |
Distribution of Papers |
21 |
Network Devices and Topologies |
8th |
22 |
HTTP, DNS, Network Security |
7 |
WAP to Calculate factorial of a No. using recursion. |
23 |
Loops: For, While, Do-while Loop |
24 |
Switch Case Statement: WAP to check number is zero, positive or negative. WAP to find multiple of 3. |
9th |
25 |
Revision |
8 |
WAP to Check no. is Prime or not, WAP to find second Largest |
26 |
Functions: Types, scope of function, |
27 |
Functions: Scpoe and recursion, introduction of arrays |
10th |
28 |
Arrays: one dimension and two dimension array |
9 |
WAP To use String Function , to check string is Palindrome or not, to show the use of Structure and array of structure |
29 |
Arrays: two Dimension arrays |
30 |
String: Function of string |
11th |
31 |
String Contd.., Structure: introduction and array of structure |
10 |
WAP to Print Fibonacci Series and to calculate factorial of a number |
32 |
Structure contd.., calloc, malloc, realloc |
33 |
Storage Classes in C: automatic, Static, register, external |