Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment
Let’s talk about Women Empowerment. Woman a small word contains in itself boundless ocean of patience, forbearance, perseverance, inner strength and just like a proverbial bull that bears the burden of earth on its horns faces all the challenges of life with courage and conviction.
The woman is considered the very axis of the family as well as society. She has been worshiped like ‘Goddess’ since time immemorial though her status deteriorated in 18th and 19th Century. Women were considered as the symbol of love, calmness, strength at the earlier age.
The earlier age
A woman in those days was surrounded by the darkness of ignorance, illiteracy consequently she became the victim of many social evils, injustice and cruel male maltreatment but with the efforts of masses and her internal strength woman made her presence felt everywhere. Thereafter with the benefit of education, Women Empowerment came enlightenment.
So she realized as well as used immense talent and potential hidden in her by stepping out of the four walls of the house and making a very constructive and significant contribution to the development of society as well as the nation.
Present scenario
We see woman multitasking in various spheres like Education, Medicine, Engineering, Banking, Administration, Space and even Politics, you name it and woman are there to perform in such a perfect way that male feel threatened and insecure at their workplace. The glaring examples of such are Pratibha Patil, Kiran Bedi, Sheela Dixit, Indira Nooyi, Megha Patkar, Anita Desai, Sania Mirza, Saina Nehwal, Kalpana Chawla, Sunita Williams, Aishwarya Rai, Sushmita Sen, Shabana Azmi, Priyanka Chopra the list is endless.
It is a matter of regret that women even in this modern age are burnt like lifeless wood at the name of dowry or something else. She is being tortured if she tries to raise her voice against the injustice. She also becomes the victim of brutal behavior of so called educated male members which is quite evident from the news reports of various rape cases, sexual harassment, eve teasing, etc.
If we peep into a particular house where a lady performs the multidimensional task efficiently i.e. looking after the household chores, taking care of children and along with it doing full justice to her job also. But the vital question is “Is due regard and recognition given to women?” the answer is big “NO”.
Keep in mind
Therefore no country can progress unless and until proper and due regard is given to half of its population i.e. Women only. So the need of the hour is to change the outlook of the society and human mentality as well. Women must be considered at par with men having equal rights and recognition in the real sense, only then we can claim ourselves ‘civilized’ in a true sense of the term.
Arvinder Kaur
(Assistant Professor)
H & AS Department
Advanced Educational Institutions