Lesson Plan- Object Oriented Analysis and Design


Lesson Plan

Name of the Faculty Neena Sharma
Discipline MCA
semester IV Sem
subject Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML and LAB
Paper Code 17MCA34C2
Lesson plan duration From Jan 2018 to April 2018
work load lecture per week(in hours) 4 lectures
Week Theory Practical
Lecture Day Topic (including assignment/test) Practical Day Topic
1st 1 UML: Principles of modeling,UML Things – Structural, Behavioral, 1 introduction to uml modelling
2 Grouping, Annotational 2 wap to analyse a problem using ood
3 Relationships in UML – Dependency, Association, 3 study about executables uml tools.
4 Generalization,Realization.
2nd 5  Overview of Collaboration diagram 4 wap to run ATM class model
6 Statechart diagram, Activity diagram, Component diagram 5 online shopping use case diagram
7  Deployment diagram, UML Semantic Rules – Names,
3rd 8 Scope, Visibility, Integrity, Execution, 6 e-library online public access catalog
9 Mechanisms in the UML – Specifications, 7 object diagram for a polygon that happens to be a square
10  Adornments, Common Divisions,
11 Extensibility Mechanisms
4th 12 Modeling as a Design Technique: Abstraction, Encapsulation, 8 implement activity  diagram of transaction reporting system
13  Modularity, Hierarchy, Typing, . 9 wap to create tables to store distances b/w cities
14 Concurrency, Persistence of objects
5th 15 Purpose of modeling,Class Model – Object & Class, Links & Associations, 10 implement use case diagram for swimming league scoring system
16  Generalization & Inheritance, Association Ends – Multiplicity,
17 Role names, Ordering, Qualification, 11 wap to implement hospital management
18 Aggregation, Link attributes &
5th 19 Link class,Abstract class, Metadata, Constraints.
20  State Modeling: Event, State,
21  Activity, Action,Transitions & Conditions, State diagrams,,
6th 22  Nested state diagrams,signal generalization, concurrency,
23 relationships between class and state model
7th 24 Interaction Modeling: use case models, use case relationships,
25 sequence models, procedural sequence models, activity models,
26 special constructs for activity models.
8th 27 System Analysis & design: System development stages,
28 system conception,analysis, domain class model,
29  domain state model, iterating the analysis.
9th 30 class model, application.
31  System Design: estimating performance,
32  make a reuse plan,
10th 33  organize the system into subsystem,
34 identifying concurrency,
35 allocating subsystems to processors and tasks,
11th 36 management of data stores, handling global resources,
37  choosing software control strategies,
12th 38 handling boundary conditions
39  setting trade-off priorities,
40  selecting an architect style.