Lesson Plan- Internet Fundamentals


Lesson Plan

Name of the Faculty Suman Aggarwal
Discipline B.TECH
semester IV Sem
subject Internet Fundamentals & Internet Lab
Paper Code CSE-208F & CSE-214F
Lesson plan duration From Jan 2018 to April 2018
work load lecture per week(in hours) 3 lectures
Week Theory Practical
Lecture Day Topic (including assignment/test) Practical Day Topic
1st 1 Introduction, advantages and disadvantages 1 Sending and receiving mails
2 Userids, Pass words, e-mail addresses,
3 message components
2nd 4 message composition, mailer features, 2 Using FTP and Tel net server
5 E-mail inner workings, E-mail management
6 Mime types, Newsgroups, mailing lists, chat rooms
3rd 7 Introduction to networks and internet 3 using HTML tag(image)
8 history, Working of Internet,
9 Internet Congestion, internet culture
4th 10 business culture on internet 4 using HTML tag(form)
11 Collaborative computing & the internet
12 Modes of Connecting to Internet
5th 13 Internet Service Providers(ISPs), 5 using HTML tag(table)
14 Internet address, standard address
15 domain name
6th 16 DNS, IP.v6.Modems and time continuum 6 using HTML tag(anchor)
17 communications software; internet tools
18 Introduction, Miscellaneous Web Browser details
7th 19 searching the www: Directories search engines and meta search engines 7 using HTML tag(hyperlink)
20 search fundamentals, search strategies,
21 working of the search engines
8th 22 Telnet and FTP. 8 Making a Web page of your college using HTML tags
23 Introduction to Browser, Coast-to-coast surfing,
24 hypertext markup language, Web page installation
9th 25 Web page setup,
26 Basics of HTML & formatting and hyperlink creation
27 Using FrontPage Express, Plug-ins
10th 28 Basic and advanced HTML, java script language
29 Client and Server Side Programming in java script.
30 Forms and data in java script, XML basics
11th 31 Introduction to Web Servers: PWS, IIS,
32 Apache; Microsoft Personal Web Server
33 Accessing & using these servers
12th 34 Introduction, Software Complexity
35 Encryption schemes
36 Secure Web document
13th 37 Digital Signatures, Firewalls.