Lesson Plan- Computer Security


Lesson Plan

Name of the Faculty Suman Aggarwal
Discipline MCA
semester IV Sem
subject Computer Security
Paper Code 17MCA34DB2
Lesson plan duration From Jan 2018 to April 2018
work load lecture per week(in hours) 4 lectures
Week Theory
Lecture Day Topic (including assignment/test)
1st 1 meaning of Computer Security
2 Computer Criminals,
3 Methods of Defense
4 Elementary Cryptography: Subst itution Ciphers
2nd 5 subsitution ciphers..cont
6 Transposit ions
7 Transposit ions
8  making Good Encryption Algorithms
3rd 9 The Data Encryption Standard
10 The AES Encryption Algorithm
11 Public Key Encryptions
12 Uses of Encryption
4th 13 Secure Programs, Non-malicious Program Errors
14 viruses and other malicious code,targeted malicious code
15 controls Against Program Threats
16 Protection in General-Purpose operating system protected objects and methods of protection,
5th 17 File protection mechanism
18 Security polices, models of security
19 trusted O.S. design
20 Assurance in trusted OS
6th 21 Database Security: Security requirements
22 Reliability and integrity
23 Sensit ive data,inference
24 mult ilevel database
7th 25 proposals for mult ilevel security
26 Security in Network: Threats in Network
27 Network Security Controls
28 Firewalls,secure e-mail
8th 29 Intrusion detection system
30 Security Planning,
31 Risk Analysis,physical security
32 Organizat ional Security policies
9th 33 Protecting Programs and data,information and law
34 Rights of Employees and Employers,
35 Software failures, Computer Crime
36 Ethical issues in Computer Security, Case studies of Ethics.