Lesson Plan- Basic Of Mechanical Engineering


Lesson Plan

Name of Faculty             : Mr.Sunil Singh
Discipline                        :  B.TECH (ME)
Semester                         :  2nd
Subject  & Subject Code : Basic Of Mechanical Engineering & ME-101 C
Lesson Plan Duration     :  15 Weeks (from January, 2018 to April, 2018)
Work Load (Lecture/  Practical ) per week (in hours)   : Lecure-04, Practical-2
Week Theory      Practical
Lecture day Topic Practical Day Topic
1 1st Macroscopic and microscopic approaches,thermodynamic system, 1 Babcock and wilcox boiler & cochran
2nd Surrounding & boundary, thermodynamic properties -intensive and extensive
3rd Thermodynamic,state,path,process & cycle work, and heat , Zeroth law , energy.
2 4th 1st law of thermodynamics, non- flow process, numericals. 2 Mounting and acessories of boilers
5th Internal energy, enthalpy, numericals
6th Assignment and unit test
3 7th Introduction and classification of engines 3 2-stroke and 4-stroke petrol engine
8th 4- stroke petrol and diesel engines
9th otto and diesel cycle
4 10th dual cycle 4 screw jack simple and compound
11th problems numericals
12th unit test
5 13th Definition, velocity ratio, mechanical advantage efficiency,law of machine, reversibility, 5 File submission and viva
14th Wheel and axle, differential pulley block
15th Worm & worm wheel, single,double & triple
6 16th Simple and compound screw jacks , problems 6 Screw jack simple and compound
17th Unit test
18th Introduction belt drive,gear drive
7 19th Advantages and disadvantages of gear & belt 7 Worm and worm wheel
20th Brakes
21th clutches
8 22nd Unit test 8 Winch crabs, single and double purchase
23rd Types of stresses
24th Types of strains
9 25th Poissions ratio, hooks law,and elastic constt. 9 File submission and viva
26th Stresses and strains in simple and compound bars under axial loading
27th Mechanical properties of mild steel and C.I
10 28th Numericals. 10 Study of sine bar
29th unit test
30th classification of manufacturing processes
11 31th Primary shaping processes 11 Measurement of dia of shaft by using vernier calliper , micrometer
32nd Metal cutting processes
33rd Joining processes
12 34th Finishing processes 12 file submission and viva
35th Properties changing processes
36th Lathe machine tool
13 38th Shaper and milling machine tool slip gauges,Go and NO GO gauges Internal Viva-voce
39th Go and NO GO gauges, dial gauges vernier calliper, micrometer, sine bar& height
40th Unit test
14 41st Revision
42nd Revision
43rd Revision
15 44th Revision
45th Revision
46th Revision