Lesson Plan- Artificial Intelligence & Expert System


Lesson Plan

Name of the Faculty Pradeep
Discipline MCA
semester IV Sem
subject Artificial Intelligence & Expert System
Paper Code 17MCA34C3
Lesson plan duration From Jan 2018 to April 2018
work load lecture per week(in hours) 4 lectures
Week Theory Practical
Lecture Day Topic (including assignment/test) Practical Day Topic
1st 1 Definition and applications of artificial intelligence 1 study of prolog
2 Problem solving: Defining
the problem as state space search,
2 program to print a message in prolog
3 Production system, Problem characteristics, Problem system
3 program to find roots of quadratic equation
4 Search techniques: Generate and test, Hill climbing,
5 Best first search, A* algorithm 4 program to find factorial of a given number
2nd 6 Problem reduction 5 write a program in prolog to append
7 Expert system: Definition, 6 convert uppercase string to lowercase
8 Role of knowledge in expert system 7 program in prolog to reverse a list
3rd 9 Architecture of expert system 8 program to find length of a given string
10 Problem select ion,
11 Prototype construction 9 program to find palindrome
4th 12 Formalization, 10 program to solve  problem of tower of Hanoi
13  Implementation,
14 Evaluation, Knowledge acquisition: Knowledge engineer, 11 PROGRAM IN PROLOG FOR ROADMAP
5th 15 Cognitive behavior,Acquisition techniques, 12 program for medical expert system
16 Knowledge representation: Level of representation, 13 program in prolog for family tree
17 Knowledge representation schemes
6th 18 Formal logic, Inference Engine, 14 program for water jug problen in prolog
19 Semantic net,
20 Frame,scripts 15  diagnosis system for childhood diseases
21 Perception: Sensing, Speech
7th 22 recognition, Vision 16 write a program in prolog for BFS
23 Action, Neural networks : Introduction,
24 Comparison of artificial neural networks with biological neurons 17 PROGRAM IN PROLOG FOR N-QUEEN
8th 25 Learning in neural networks, 18 program for electrical expert system
26 Perceptrons, Back propagation networks,
27 application of neural networks, Fuzzy logic :Definition 19 program to perform addition operation
9th 28 Difference between Boolean and Fuzzy logic, fuzzy subset, 20 WRITE A PROGRAM IN PROLOG FOR DFS
29 fuzzy membership function, 21 prolog program of fibonaaci series
30 fuzzy expert system
10th 31 Inference process for fuzzy expert system 22 find last element in given list
32 fuzzy controller.
33 Programming in Logic (PROLOG): Introduction, 23 program to perform addition operation
11th 34 Prolog variables, Using rules 24 program to perform subtraction operation
35 Input and Output predicates,
36 Fail and cut predicates 25 program to perform multiplication operation
12th 37 Recursion, Arithmetic operation
38 Compound object, 26 program to perform division operation
13th 39 String, File operations
40 Dynamic database,Lists