Lesson Plan- Advanced Java Programming


Lesson Plan

Name of the Faculty Neena Sharma
Discipline MCA
semester IV Sem
subject Advanced Java Programming and S/w Lab 7
Paper Code 17MCA34C1 ,17MCA34CL1
Lesson plan duration From Jan 2018 to April 2018
work load lecture per week(in hours) 4 lectures
Week Theory Practical
Lecture Day Topic (including assignment/test) Practical Day Topic
1st 1 Introduction to Java Scripts, 1 Program to Print “Hello World” using Java Script
2 Variables and Constants in JavaScript 2 Write a program in JavaScript to declare and use variables
3 Programming Constructs in JavaScript 3 Write a program in JavaScript to find the Scope of variable
4 Objects in Java Script
2nd 5 Introduction to DHTML 4 Write a program in JavaScript to show the use of operators
6 DHTML with JavaScripts 5 Program in JavaScript to show the use of if(), if—else, if—else nested statement
7 XML Introduction, Features, Rules, Characteristics 6 Program in JavaScript to show the use of switch statement
8 XML Attributes, Parser, DOM
3rd 9 XML DTD 7 Defining and using functions in JavaScript through a program
10 XML Schemas 8 Program in JavaScript to show the use of while Loop
11 Document Object model 9 Program in JavaScript to show the use of do while Loop
12 Present ing XML
4th 13 Review o f Applets 10 Program in JavaScript to show the use of For…In Statement
14 Applet Class, Event Handling 11 Program in XML to create your own tags
15 AWT Programming review 12 Program in XML to create a catalogue of Food Items in a restaurant
16 Differences between AWT Controls & Swing Controls
5th 17 JApplet 13 Program in XML to create a tree representing various courses of your Institute
18 JButton, JToggleButton, 14 Program on AWT functions
19 CheckBoxes, Radio Button 15 Program using DHTML
20 JComboBox, Text Boxes
6th 21 JComboBox, Text Boxes 16 Program Using Java Swing to create a button
22 Icons, Labels 17 Program Using Java Swing to create a Checkbox
23 JList, JTrees, Jtables 18 Program Using Java Swing to create a Radiobutton
24 Java Beans: Introduction
7th 25 Advantages of Java Beans 19 Program on use of Jlabel and ImageIcon
26 BDK Introspection 20 Wap to show the communication between client and server.
27 Developing a Ho me page using Applet & Swing
28 Introduction to Servlets: Lifecycle of a Servlet,
8th 29 The Servlet API
30 The javax. Servlet Package,
31 Reading Servelet parameters
32 Reading Init ialization parameters
9th 33 The javax.servlet HTTP package
34 Handling Http Request & Responses, Securit y Issues
35 Introduction to JSP, Problem with Servlets
36 The Anatomy o f a JSP Page, JSP Processing
10th 37 JSP Applicat ion Design with MVC
38 Installing the Java Software Development Kit
39 Tomcat Server & Testing Tomcat
40 JSP Applicat ion Development: Generating Dynamic Content
11th 41 Using Script ing Elements Implicit JSP Objects
42 Condit ional Processing – Displaying Values
43 Using an Expressio n to Set an attribute
44 Declaring Variables and Methods
12th 45 Error Handling and Debugging
46 Sharing Data Between JSP pages
47 Requests, and Users Passing Control
48 Passing Control and Date between Pages