Lesson Plan:SA-II


Lesson Plan

Discipline: Civil Engineering
Semester: 4th
Subject : SA-II
Lesson Plan Duration
Theory Practical
week Lec day Topic P.day Topic
1st 1 Unit-I: Static and Kinematic Intermediacies 1 Experiment on a two- hinged arch
2 Castigliano`s theorems 2 Experimental and analytical study of a 3 bar pin jointed Truss
3 Castigliano`s theorems-N 3 Experimental and analytical study of deflections
4  Strain energy method 4 Begg`s deformeter- verification of Muller Breslau principle
2nd 5  Analysis of frames with one or two redundant members using Castigliano`s 2nd theorem 5 Experimental and analytical study of an elastically coupled beam
6  Concept of rolling load 6 Sway in portal frames – demonstration
7 Concept of rolling load-N 7 To study the cable geometry and statics for different loading conditions
8 maximum bending moment,shear force due to rolling load 8 To plot stress -strain curve for concrete
3rd 9 concept of influence lines in beams
10 I.L diagram for shear force ,B.M., deflection
11 test/assignment
12 Unit-II: Slope deflection and moment Distribution Methods Intro.
4th 13 Analysis of continuous beams by MDM
14 Analysis of continuous beams by MDM-N
15 Analysis of  portal frames
16 Analysis of  portal frames -N
5th 17 Portal frames with inclined members
18 Portal frames with inclined members-N
19 Sway analysis
20 Sway analysis-N
6th 21 test/assignment
22  Unit- III: Three hinged arch Introduction
23 Three hinged arch horizontal thrust
24 Three hinged arch horizontal thrust-N
7th 25  Three hinged arch shear force
26 Three hinged arch shear force-N
27  Three hinged arch bending moment diagrams
28 Three hinged arch bending moment diagrams-N
8th 29 test/assignment
30  Unit- III: Bending moment and shear force in determinate beam
31  Bending moment and shear force in determinate frame
32  definition and signs
9th 33 conventions, axial force
34  shear force diagrams
35  B.M. diagrams
36 test/assignment
10th 37 Unit-IV: Unsymmetrical Bending
38  Centroidal principal axes of sections
39 Bending stresses in beams
40 Unsymmetrical bending
11th 41  shear centre
42  shear centre for channel sections
43  shear centre for  Angles sections
44  shear centre for  Z sections
12th 45 test/assignment
46 Unit-V: Cable and suspension Bridges
47 Uniformly loaded cables
48 Temperature stresses
13th 49 Three hinged stiffening
50 Two hinged stiffening Girder
51 revision
52 test/assignment
14th 53  Unit–VI: Analysis of statically determinate trusses
54 various types trusses
55  stability analysis of plane
56 analysis of plane trusses by method of joints
15th 57 analysis of plane trusses by method of joints-N
58 analysis of plane trusses by method of Section
59 analysis of plane trusses by method of Section-N
60 test/assignment